Ginger tea for weight loss: 5 simple recipes

Ginger tea is a great ally for weight loss because it is a potent diuretic and is considered a thermogenic food, boosting metabolism and causing the body to spend more energy. But in addition to helping lose weight, ginger also helps in digestion and acts against heartburn and intestinal gases.

However, it is important to remember that to achieve better results, and lose around 2 kg per week, you should combine the use of ginger tea with a healthy diet and daily physical exercise.

1. Simple ginger tea

How to lose weight with ginger tea

Ginger tea should be prepared according to the following proportions: 2 cm of fresh ginger or 1 teaspoon of ginger powder for every 1 liter of water.


Put the ingredients in a saucepan and boil for about 8 to 10 minutes. Turn off the heat, cover the pan and wait until it cools, then strain and drink.

How to consume

It is advised to take ginger tea 3 times a day. Variations of ginger tea can be made by adding lemon, cinnamon or nutmeg, and ginger shavings can also be added to juices and salads.

To increase the weight loss effect of ginger, it is important to follow a low-fat, sugar-free diet and exercise regularly.

2. Ginger with cinnamon

Drinking cinnamon ginger tea is a way to further enhance the weight-loss effects of cinnamon, because cinnamon also acts as a thermogenic and stimulates fat burning.

To extract the most benefit, the cinnamon should be added to the water along with the ginger, bringing the two to the heat and letting the water boil for about 5-10 minutes.

How to lose weight with ginger tea

3. Ginger with saffron

Saffron is one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidants, bringing health benefits such as improved immune system, hormone production and circulation.

By combining the ginger with the saffron, you get a powerful drink for your health. The tea should be prepared as follows: add 1 piece of ginger to 500 ml of water and bring to the boil. Once boiled, turn off the heat and add 2 teaspoons of saffron, covering the container and letting the drink rest for 10 minutes before drinking.

4. Ginger with pineapple juice

Ginger juice with pineapple is a great choice for hot days and as an aid to digestion. In addition to the digestive properties of ginger, pineapple adds bromelain, an enzyme that helps in the digestion of proteins.

To make the juice, put the pineapple in a blender with one to two pieces of ginger and serve cold, without straining and without adding sugar. You can also add mint and ice to make the juice tastier.

How to lose weight with ginger tea

5. Ginger lemonade

For warmer days, a great option is to make ginger lemonade, which has the same benefits for weight loss.


  • 1 liter of water
  • 4 lemons
  • 5 g of ginger, grated or in the form of powder


Squeeze the juice of the 4 lemons and add to a jar together with the water and ginger. Let it rest in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. Drink the lemonade through the day, as a replacement for 1 liter of water, for example.

How to lose weight with ginger tea

Benefits of ginger consumption

The benefits of daily ginger consumption also include:

  • Prevents some types of cancer due to its antioxidant action;
  • Fights diseases due to its antiseptic action;
  • Eliminates toxins from the liver;
  • Improves blood circulation;
  • Improves digestion;
  • Prevents heartburn and intestinal gas;
  • Helps eliminate kidney stones.

However, you must be careful because ginger reduces the viscosity of the blood when used in large quantities, and its consumption by individuals who regularly take anticoagulant medication, such as aspirin, should be guided by the nutritionist to avoid the risk of hemorrhage.

How to increase weight loss

o lose weight fast, besides using ginger, you should avoid the consumption of sugar, sweets and foods rich in wheat flour such as bread, crackers, pastries, salty foods and pizzas. In addition, avoid the consumption of soft drinks, processed juices, alcoholic beverages and fried foods.

On the other hand, preference should be given to the consumption of leafy vegetables, fruits, lean meats, eggs, cheeses and good fats such as nuts, peanuts, seeds, olive oil and fish such as tuna and sardines.

Find out what your ideal weight is by using the following calculator:

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This calculator helps you understand how many pounds you are below or above your ideal weight, but it is not recommended for seniors, pregnant women and athletes.